As of today, CiMaas is located at the Schleperweg 36, in Maastricht (NL). In this facility we continue our work on (GMP grade) feeder cells and NK cell technology for the benefit of cancer patients.
Thanks to an investment from 819 Evergreen Fund I, we are pleased to be able to continue working on our ambitions: cure cancer patients by making Natural Killer cells a reality. Our activities will be realized in Maastricht.
The Committee for Advanced Therapies (CAT) from the European Medicine Agency (EMA) has classified the NK cell technology developed by CiMaas as somatic cell therapy medicinal product with the indication for acute myeloid leukaemia.
Upon rigorous analysis, our research has demonstrated that this innovative feeder cell approach results in an enhanced proliferation rate for NK cells compared to the traditional method employing irradiated feeder cells. Remarkably, within a mere week, a 100-fold expansion rate is already achieved, with the potential for ongoing expansion. After 12 days we reach 19… Read more »
CiMaas filed patent application on feeder cell preparation in support of its NK cell therapy program
CiMaas has filed a new patent application on a new method for the feeder cell preparation in support of its NK cell therapy program. Treatment with Natural Killer (NK) cells is the CiMaas strategy to potentially cure patients with cancer. CiMaas uses a feeder cell based NK cell expansion protocol to generate high NK cell… Read more »
CiMaas BV announces that it has created a GMP grade master cell bank of the F012 feeder cell line to support Natural Killer (NK) cell expansion isolated from peripheral blood cells. CiMaas had generated a feeder cell line containing two genes that induce NK cell proliferation and maturation resulting in NK cells with a memory… Read more »
CiMaas’ leading product to fight cancer is Natural Killer (NK) cells. These cells kill tumor cells directly as has been observed in pre-clinical studies, as well as in clinical studies (patients with myeloid leukemia). To obtain a large number of these NK cells to treat patients, so-called feeder cells are needed to stimulate the proliferation… Read more »
After several years of collaboration, Professor Dr Dean Lee has become a formal member of the scientific advisory board of CiMaas as of December 18, 2022.
CiMaas, together with the Maastricht University Medical Center+ and the University Medical Center Utrecht have received a subsidy of € 1,48 million to further develop Natural Killer Cell therapy for breast cancer.