
CiMaas reaches next milestone in NK cell expansion and function

CiMaas successfully expands Natural Killer (NK) cells to clinically relevant numbers using a 2-week protocol. Starting from 200 ml peripheral blood, NK are expanded to numbers meeting the expected clinically required 10.E8 cells/kg, with multiple infusions. This makes the expansion method developed directly applicable for clinical application of the produced NK cells in anti-cancer therapies. 


CiMaas receives Manufacturing Authorisation

As of March 1, 2022, CiMaas is a licensed manufacturer for cell-based products. The company received the manufacturing authorization from the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport – Farmatec/CIBG.


CiMaas and consortium receive Health Holland subsidy

CiMaas, together with the Maastricht University Medical Center+ and the University Medical Center Utrecht have received a subsidy of € 1,48 million to further develop Natural Killer Cell therapy for breast cancer.


Jolanda de Vries joins scientific advisory board of CiMaas

As of October 1, 2020 esteemed tumor immunologist Prof Dr Jolanda de Vries becomes a member of the scientific advisory board.  Jolanda de Vries is head of the department of Tumor Immunology at Radboudumc, Nijmegen, the Netherlands.


CiMaas and the INsTRuCT Consortium receive EU subsidy to train young scientists in developing novel cell therapies

Cell therapy is an active area of immunological research and represents a highly innovative and rapidly expanding sector of the pharmaceutical industry. CiMaas is part of the the INsTRuCT Consortium ( which comprises 15 different European companies or universities from 8 Member States, that answers an unmet need for postdoctoral researchers trained in scientifically excellent… Read more »


CiMaas is featured in “How it’s done” by RTL-Z

On Saturday January 11, 2020, CiMaas appeared in a special program on new innovations in medicine. It is part of a production for the RTL-Z program ” How it’s done”. Broadcast time is 17.00. Saturday April 11 at 16.30; April 14 at 10:30 uur and April 16 at 16:30 the programme will be repeated